Appendix A
苅部 清人(62年度)
1. Presentation of Problem
Prior to this research, upper elementary school students in this class studied English only by matching simple words like lion (animals), plane (vehicles), pizza (food) with pictures, playing various games, and practicing simple greetings with the Assistant Language Teacher (ALT).
However, for these students, simple games were not able to stir their intellectual curiosity, and they quickly became bored. The children enjoyed the English games, but even though they had many opportunities to enjoy English games, they did not have many opportunities to increase their desire to speak and listen to English.
In addition, even if students had been able to use English for a 45-minute class period, it was impossible for English take hold in the students' minds as there were only several English classes in a year. Moreover, although students practiced words like "zebra," zebras were not animals that the students encountered every day. Students did not have a chance to use English and it did not become a tool for communication.
Therefore, I studied English that was used for real, everyday communication, and sought to construct a school life that overflowed with this
"Living English."1 問題の発見
高学年の子供たちに,lion(動物), plane(乗り物), pizza(食べ物) 等の単語と絵を当てるゲームをしたり色当てゲームをしたり簡単な挨拶をしたりするような授業をALTとしてきた。
そこで,学校生活の中で使える英語,日常の本当のコミュニケーションで使える英語を研究して,子供たちのLiving English(生きた英語)に溢れた学校生活の構築をめざした。
2. Feasibility Study
First, I observed the state of the children after English activities. For the 45 minutes of class time, the students were active and happy, but after the class, I was never able to observe a situation in which students would use the newly acquired English.
Moreover, when questioned through a survey, students only answered that the games were fun, but none answered that they wanted to use English.
I realized that English was only being used during teaching times.
2 事前調査
3. Establishing Research Question
Outside of teaching time, what kind of guidance is needed to increase the number of students in the class who spoke English naturally to at least 80%?
3 リサーチクエスチョンの設定
4. Establishing Hypotheses
4 仮説の設定
1- English words and sentences that students want to use are gathered, students can enjoy speaking English and be made to experience real, usable English.
③耳からの英語重視。音声言語の中でもby listeningを重視する。赤ちゃんが言語を獲得していくときの経過を真似る。そして,発声を強制的に求めない。たくさん英語を聞けば(毎日10分程度のby listeningの時間を確保),自然に口をついて出てくる瞬間があるだろう。赤ちゃんが母親の言葉を真似する1,2歳ごろの感覚を英語で再現したい。
I examined the grammar needed for expressing oneself in English. In this study, children were not directly taught English grammar, but grammar structures were carefully examined before the dialog provided to students was chosen. At that time of instruction, auxiliary verbs, interrogatives, plural and singular forms, third person subjects, and tenses were not sidestepped because they were difficult, but rather students were exposed to English used by normal American children in natural daily life. When given any level of grammar, if the student is able to experience a certain pattern, the brain will soak it up like a sponge and will remember it. Therefore, without thinking about the difficulty or complexity of grammar, language that is needed for daily life was presented to the students. There are words and grammar structures that American children do not understand, but when they listen to the language of adults around them, they steadily pick up the parts they can understand. By connecting words they know with ones they don't know, they deduce the meaning.
I thought that auxiliary verbs in particular were important for expressing nuanced feelings. And they were consciously entered into the dialog given to the children. By focusing only on questions and answers that confirm information, students are unable to communicate their ideas directly. In addition, as auxiliary verbs are used with the original form of the verb and when auxiliary verbs are moved to the beginning of a sentence, interrogatives are formed; I judged that even a child would be able to use this grammar.
特に助動詞は微妙な心情を表現するために重要であると考えた。そして子供に与えるdialogに意識的に挿入した。いつも「〜は, です」というように,ストレートに表現できるとは限らないからだ。また,助動詞は必ず動詞の原形と一緒に使うことと,助動詞を文頭にもってくれば,疑問文になることから,子供にも十分使いこなせることができると判断した。
I adopted the next six auxiliary verbs in particular:
Can |
Ability, Possibility, Permission |
Could |
Politeness, Modesty |
Would |
Polite Invitations, If it is all right |
Shall |
Proposals, Invitations |
May |
Ability, Permission |
Should |
Duty, Necessity |
Can |
能力・可能・許可 |
Could |
ていねいさ・ひかえめな気持ち |
Would |
ていねいな誘い・もしよろしければ・・・ |
Shall |
申し出・誘い「〜しましょうか」 |
May |
可能性・許可「〜してもよろしいですか」 |
Should |
義務・必要性 |
I considered the intellectual development of the children and created a class with challenging English activities.
5 計画の実践
I helped students experience the enjoyment of speaking English (the feeling that if a student can speak English, they will like it). Therefore, I dealt with phrases and expressions that students wanted to use in daily life.
More than just daily conversation, next I analyzed concrete communicative sentences that followed interrogative structures.
ask │ 質問する
answer │ 質問に答える
I had the children write down conversations that they used in daily school life. Then I had the children choose three sentences that they wanted to express in English. Based on these sentences, I examined the grammar and produced the "Best 30" (see below). I considered the (so-called) English conversation fixed expressions and asked the ALT to correct these phrases.
I videotaped the native-speaking ALT pronouncing the "Best 30." For the purpose of making the words understood and conscious of speed, rhythm, intonation, and pronunciation, the phrases were produced in the following pattern:
First and Second Time Natural speed
Third Time Slowly
Fourth Time Natural speed
BEST30としてALTのnative speakerの発音をビデオで提示する。言葉が通じるために必要な「スピード・リズム・イントネーション・発音」の4条件を意識して,
1・2回目 自然な速さ
3回目slowly ゆっくり
4回目natural speed 自然な速さで提示する。
Then students only imitated the pronunciation of the ALT. To show that the classroom teacher is also a learner like the children, I demonstrated the pronunciation of the words in a loud voice to help soften the feelings of shyness in students who are afraid to speak out loud.
I taught that it is important to communicate in a way that expresses one's feelings. For this purpose, I paid attention particularly to eye contact, facial expressions, voice quality, handshaking, gestures, and so on. Besides this, in the same way that students speak Japanese (not only sitting but walking, running, laughing, when troubled, and in many other situations), I had the students speak while doing various things.
Basic English Class Activity
1. Warm-Up Into English Mode: Watching a TV broadcast of an NFL football game (for example).
2. Presentation of the main teaching: Watching a video of the Best 30 Conversation
3. Practice
A. Whole practice
B. Group practice
C. Pair practice
D. Individual practice
E. Role-Playing
4. Coffee Break: Listen to an English song
5. Production: Students use English freely in the classroom
6. Assessment: Check pronunciation again with video.
7. Ending: Listen again to the "Open Arms" song.
1 WARM-UP 英語モードへ TVでNFL-49ERSの試合を流しておく→復習
2 PRESENTATION 主概念の提示 下記の会話をビデオ提示(30→1位)
3 PRACTICE 基本的な活動
(1)whole practice │ 全体練習
(2)group practice │ グループ練習
(3)pair practice │ ペア練習
(4)individual practice │ 個人指名練習
(5)role play │ ロールプレイ(役割演技)
4 COFFEE-BREAK コーヒーブレイク 英語の曲を聴く(National Anthem,Open Arms)
5 PRODUCTION 応用的な活動 教室の中で自由に英語を使う
6 ASSESSMENT 主概念の振り返り ビデオで発音のチェック
7 ENDING エンディング Open Armsを聴きながらエンディング
Before inserting any new words, I reviewed all the phrases that had been learned up to that point. I wanted to establish many different opportunities for using English in daily life. When considering children's language ability, there were limits to the scope of application and vocabulary, but if students used this "Living English" in their Japanese environment, they were able to naturally begin speaking English.
新しい内容に入る前に,それまでの会話を全部復習する。生活の中でのいろいろな場面で使えることを定着させたい。子供たちの語学力を考えれば,応用範囲や語彙には限界があるが,日本語の環境の中で子供たちなりにLiving English(生きた英語)を使いこなし,自然に会話するようにしていく。
I emphasized pair learning. Because teaching a language is not a one-way transmission from teacher to student, students practiced English with each other. I thought this stage is a very important step in experiencing conversation in English.
Pair Learning(子供どうしで教えあうこと)を重視する。コミュニケーション能力は,教師から子供への一方通行では育たないので,子供どうしで英語で話せるようにしていく。この段階は,「英語での会話を体験する」という意味で非常に重要なステップだと考える。
Best 30: Phrases the children chose as wanting to communicate.
30 |
English |
Japanese |
Yes. You, sir. |
指名を受けるときの「はい」 指名するとき |
29 |
See you later. See you. |
じゃあね,後でね。 またね。 |
28 |
Thank you. You're welcome. |
ありがとう。 どういたしまして。 |
27 |
I'm sorry. Excuse me. Don't worry about it. It's ok. |
どうもすみません。 気にするな。いいよ。 |
26 |
Hurry up. I'm hurrying. |
急いで。 急いでるよ。 |
25 |
Be quiet. I'm Sorry. |
静かにして。 はい,ごめんなさい。 |
24 |
Whose is this? It's mine. |
これは誰のですか。 それは,わたしのです。 |
23 |
Where are you going? I'm going to(the Gym ). |
あなたはどこに行くの。 私は(体育館)へ向かっています。 |
22 |
Ouch! What happened? |
あいたた。 何が起こったの。 |
21 |
May I sit here? Sure. I'm sorry. This seat is taken. |
ここに座ってもいいかな。 もちろんいいよ。ごめん,だめ。 |
20 |
Could you open the door? Sure. |
ドアを開けていただけますか。 いいよ。 |
19 |
Let's eat. Thank you for lunch. |
Χいただきます。食べましょう。 ごちそうさま。 |
18 |
Let's play soccer. Sure. |
サッカーしよう。 いいよ。 |
17 |
This tastes good. |
これおいしいね。 |
16 |
What's the next subject ? |
次の教科は何ですか? 次は国語だよ。 |
15 |
Would you like to play basketball? Sure. I would like to play basketball. |
バスケットボールをしませんか。 いいよ。バスケしたかったんだ。 |
14 |
Never mind. Good luck. |
気にするな。幸運を祈る。 |
13 |
Where shall we play? Any place you want. |
どこで遊びますか。 君のいいところどこでもいいよ。 |
12 |
Can I go to the restroom? Yes , you can. |
トイレに行っていいですか? いいよ。 |
11 |
Is it okay if I don't finish my lunch? Yes , it's OK. No , it isn't. |
給食を残していいですか? |
10 |
That's a good idea. I agree. |
それは良い考えだ。 賛成します。 |
9 |
What are you doing? I'm studying. |
何をしているの? 勉強をしているのさ。 |
8 |
May I use this? Yes , you may. No , you may not. |
これを使ってもいい? いいよ。 だめだよ。 |
7 |
What should we play? |
何して遊ぶ? |
6 |
What should I do? Don't give up. Do your best. |
どうしよう。 あきらめんな。 がんばって。 |
5 |
Do you want to walk home together? Yes , I do. |
いっしょに家に歩いて帰ろう? いいよ。 |
4 |
I'm sure you can pass the test. |
きっとそのテストに合格するよ |
3 |
It's OK. Don't worry. |
よしよし。気にすんな。 |
2 |
Show me that. Sure. |
それ見せて。 |
1 |
I forgot my homework. Oh. That's too bad. |
宿題を忘れました。 それは残念だ。 |
In a year-end survey, the students were asked "Were the English activities enjoyable?" and "During normal life situations, do you use English naturally?" The children's answers follow.
Enjoyable Sometimes |
Undecided |
Not Enjoyable Never |
Were the English activities enjoyable? |
31 (100%) |
0 |
0 |
During normal life situations, do you use English naturally? |
29 (93,5%) |
2 ( 6,5%) |
0 |
楽しかった ときどきある |
判断に迷う |
楽しくなかった ない |
英語活動は 楽しかった ですか? |
31 (100%) |
0 |
0 |
日常生活の中で 英語がつい口に 出ることがあり ますか? |
29 (93,5%) |
2 ( 6,5%) |
0 |
Students were also free to make comments in another column. The results follow:
During this class, I think I was able to use a lot of English.
I have become able to use English both at school and at home. It's great that I can use familiar words in English.
I use English everyday with my friends. When I go home too, I use a lot of English.
I thought English learning was very difficult, but using English is very interesting. My impression of "learning" has changed. Even the difficult English words that I wasn't able to use at first, I can now say, so I am happy.
If we had more time, I think I might be able to use even more English in my day-to-day life.
As I have gotten used to the words, I have been able to say them easily, so I am happy.
This class is more enjoyable than other lessons. Because I am able to use English in normal life, it is enjoyable.
If we could, it would be great to have more time with the foreign teacher. When we listen to the pronunciation of foreign speakers, our pronunciation can get much better as well.
I am not confident about whether I can or cannot speak English.また,自由記述欄には下記のようなものがあった。
・できたら,もう少し外国人の先生と一緒にやった方がいいと思った。それは,外国人の人の 発音を聞いてやった方がもっとうまくなると思ったからです。
7 報告 仮説の結果
1-When words were chosen from conversation items the students want to express, speaking English is enjoyable and students can be made to understand that English is useful in real life. Result: 100%= enjoyed the activities. 93.5%=realized that they could use English.
Result: ALT perceived class as having the best pronunciation in the school.
Result: In 45 minutes, the transformation was small, but by continuously listening to English every day for 3 months, although students did not achieve fluency, they were able to produce smooth English pronunciation without thinking.
③耳からの英語重視。音声言語の中でもby listeningを重視する。赤ちゃんが言語を獲得していくときの経過を真似る。そして,発声を強制的に求めない。たくさん英語を聞けば,自然に口をついて出てくる瞬間があるだろう。赤ちゃんが母親の言葉を真似する1,2歳ごろの感覚を英語で再現したい。
Result: the daily classroom was filled with English. The students especially enjoyed using the following English:
④文法的に複雑な文であっても,日常会話のコミュニケーションに必要なら,子供たち は日常生活の中で使うようになるだろう。
I'm sorry. Excuse me. Don't worry about it. It's ok.
Hurry up. I'm hurrying.
Be quiet. I'm Sorry.
Can I go to the restroom? Yes , you can.
Is it okay if I don't finish my lunch? Yes , it's OK. No , it isn't.
That's a good idea. I agree.
What are you doing? I'm studying.
May I use this? Yes , you may. No , you may not.
Students using these sentences began to communicate naturally during recess times. In these sentences, auxiliary verbs, interrogatives, and present continuous verbs are used. However, most of the children seemed to begin to use them without any feelings of difficulty.