Volume 2, No. 3 
July 1998

The Editor/Webmaster welcomes comments and suggestions from the readers of the Translation Journal. Only letters signed and provided with a return e-mail address for verification will be considered for publication.
 Send your comments and suggestions to the Editor/Webmaster.



Happy Birthday, TJ!
Index 1997-98
  Translator Profiles
It Needn’t All Be Boring...
by Derry Cook-Radmore
Dr. William I. Bertsche
by Gabe Bokor
  Translator Education
Considerations on Teaching Translation
by Denis Sánchez Calderaro
  Translation Theory
Translation As a Communication Process
by Frédéric Houbert
  Art & Entertainment
Translator, Adapter, Screenwriter
by Robert Paquin, Ph.D.
 Biomedical Translation
Immunology—a Brief Overview
by Lúcia M. Singer, Ph.D.
 Business Translations
The Language of Business Entities in Brazil
by Danilo Nogueira
  Science & Technology
A Translator’s Guide to Organic Chemical Nomenclature XII
by Chester E. Claff, Jr., Ph.D.
  Caught in the Web
Web Surfing for Fun and Profit
by Cathy Flick, Ph.D.
Translators’ On-Line Resources
by Gabe Bokor
Translators’ Events
Letters to the Editor
Call for Papers

Translation Journal
Letters to the Editor
I just came across your publication in the Internet as a link from another site. I was really impressed with the contents and presentation of the TJ. Congratulations! I would like to know if it’s possible to get a subscription to your publication. I couldn't find any information on your Web page about it.

—Hernán Delgado, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Editor’s answer: The Translation Journal is not published in hardcopy form. Its only version, which you’re perusing right now, is free, so no subscription is needed.

I have been enjoying the Translation Journal for a while now and look forward to reading the latest issue, which I've already downloaded.

—Lic. Denis Sánchez Calderaro, Las Villas, Cuba

It’s really IRRESPONSIBLE of you to put such an enticing publication as Translation Journal a few mouseclicks away just when I'm overwhelmed with a last-minute large project due by 9 a.m. Monday for a client I can’t afford (well, to be less dramatic, would prefer not to) lose.
    I can’t wait to get a few hours to go really through it and the back issues.

—José Pérez, Atlanta, Georgia

[On reaching 10,000 visitors since July 1997]

Congratulations on the round number! I sincerely believe that you deserve this satisfaction, and it’s only the beginning. Carry on!
   Thank you again for this wonderful Journal.

—Val Dragu, Bucarest, Romania

Since Jan. I’ve had a series of exchanges with a translation student at the Univ. of Krakow as a result of those articles in TJ. She is doing a thesis on financial terminology (how to coin Polish words for trading and clearing techniques that were not used for decades while the Warsaw exchange was closed; English-tainted equivalents now seem to be fashionable but are often either inelegant or inaccurate or both). I was pleased to be able to pass on some of the debates that take place in Paris on precisely those subjects. Another example of how technology and publications like yours make the world a smaller place...

—Chris Durban, Paris, France

Let us know what you think of this Journal. How can it be improved? What topics would you like to see discussed? Help us make this publication better and more useful to the translator community and those who use our services.

  © Copyright 1998 Translation Journal
Send your comments to the Webmaster

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Last Updated: 02/25/2015 02:11:12