Volume 5, No. 1
January 2001
| Translation Journal's First World Translation Contest
by Danilo Nogueira |
he deadline for submitting entries for the First World Translation Contest, anounced in the last issue of the Translation Journal is rapidly approaching. On December 31, 2000, the contest will be closed, and the winner announced in this space.
For your convenience, we reproduce below the text to be translated into English and the terms and conditions of the Contest
UNIVERSALIDADE DA JURISDIÇÃO. Postulado indeclinável do Estado de Direito, o Diploma Excelso o contempla por meio do artigo 5ş XXXV, que hospeda a seguinte fraseologia "a lei não excluirá da apreciação do Poder Judiciário lesão ou ameaça a direito". Dito de outro modo, significa a garantia constitucional que assegura a qualquer pessoa o direito de bater às portas do Judiciário. Por sem dúvida, exprime um dos sustentáculos do Estado de Direito, incorporado entre nós pela Constituição de 1946, quando ensejou candente comentário de Pontes de Miranda ao dizer que foi "a mais típica e mais importante criação daquela Carta." Por força de seu conteúdo, nenhum diploma normativo pode estabelecer qualquer limitação que condicione o ingresso em juízo, como por exemplo, o esgotamento das vias administrativas, porquanto tal hipótese afigura-se decididamente conflitante com a dimensão semântica do aludido primado constitucional.
The rules for the contest are a lot simpler that the above text.
1. You may submit as many entries as you want. Only submissions by e-mail will be accepted. All e-mails should be addressed to danilo.tradutor@uol.com.br. Only e-mails with "TRANSLATION JOURNAL CONTEST" in the subject line will be considered. Use a penname and one of those untraceable addresses that are so easy to get nowadays. If you do not know how to get one of those addresses, have a non-translator friend mail your entry. But, please, remember to ask your friend NOT to add something like "Hi! This is X's entry". In other words, if your entry is identified, you will be disqualified.
2. I will judge the entries, if any. I may ask some colleague for an opinion, but the final decision will be mine. If you don't like my decision, that is too bad. Don't sue me. Not worth the trouble. I am as poor as any translator.
3. Entries will be accepted until December 31, 2000. If you win, I will e-mail you for your name and address and later mail my next dictionary. No great prize. The dictionaries are very small and cost very little. Just a memento.
4. The results will be published in the first number of the Translation Journal for 2001.
5. There is no "right" solution. There can be several possible good
translations for this paragraph. So you do not have to guess what the
translation is.