Volume 15, No. 4 
October 2011

  Gabe Bokor


Front Page


Index 1997-2011

TJ Interactive: Translation Journal Blog

Fifteen Years of Service
by Gabe Bokor

  Translator Profiles
My Life in Translation
by Rina Ne’eman

  The Profession
The Bottom Line
by Fire Ant & Worker Bee
Good Proofreader / Bad Proofreader
by Pham Hoa Hiep, Ed.D.
We are Still of Two Minds about It
by Danilo Nogueira and Kelli Semolini
The Financial Crisis and Translator's Math
by Fotini Vallianatou

Translators Around the World
The Role of Translation Movements in the Cultural Maintenance of Iran from the Era of Cyrus the Great up to the Constitutional Revolution
by Hossein Bahri

Cultural Aspects of Translation
When American Culture Floats Adrift: A case study of two versions of Brown's "The Da Vinci Code"
by Orges Selmani

Medical Translation
Tradução de palavras compostas de Alemão para português—o caso dos textos médicos
Katrin Herget e Teresa Alegre

  Translators and Computers
Building Blocks
by Jost Zetzsche, Ph.D.

  Translators' Education
To Use or not to Use Translation in Language Teaching
by Mogahed M. Mogahed, Ph.D.

Strategies for the Enhancement of Mandarin Chinese Proficiency: A Case Study of Trainee Interpreters in Taiwan
by Riccardo Moratto

  Book Reviews
An Empirical Study for Translation Studies—A Multifaceted Perspective
Reviewed by Xiangjun Liu, Ph.D.
Textología contrastiva, derecho comparado y traducción jurídica: Las sentencias de divorcio alemanas y españolas
Reseñado por Concepción Mira Rueda
Bridging Worlds Through Language and Translation
Baris Bilgen, Ph.D. Candidate

Isso vai dar merda: implicações do conhecimento do significado de expressões idiomáticas na tradução de uma entrevista do ex-presidente Lula
Ana Karla Pereira de Miranda e Dra Elizabete Aparecida Marques

  Caught in the Web
Web Surfing for Fun and Profit
by Cathy Flick, Ph.D.
Translators’ On-Line Resources
by Gabe Bokor
Translators’ Best Websites
by Gabe Bokor

  Translators' Tools
Translators’ Emporium

Call for Papers and Editorial Policies
  Translation Journal


Fifteen Years of Service

by Gabe Bokor

his issue starts the Translation Journal's fifteenth year of continuous, uninterrupted publication. Fifteen years is not much from an historical perspective, but it is an eternity on the Internet, where new technologies appear every year and web sites are born and die every day.

We have provided a forum for authors from all over the world regardless of their race or the political system of their countries of origin.
During these 15 years, while we did our best to improve the appearance and contents of the TJ, we did not change the basic technology of its production or, more importantly, the principles on which it was founded: Free access, including to all past issues, without need for registration (which is used by many sites to generate spam) and without personal data being requested or captured. We have also provided a forum for authors from all over the world regardless of their race or the political system of their countries of origin. This issue of the TJ is a typical example of this principle: On its pages, you'll find articles by an American-Israeli, an Egyptian Arab, and an Irani, as well as a Greek and a Turk, among authors of other nationalities, peacefully coexisting despite the differences that separate their fellow countrymen in their countries of origin.

The reputation of the TJ and its popularity among readers and authors has made it possible for us to select articles for publication by stricter criteria that those used in the early years of our Journal. For each issue, we are now receiving dozens of submissions, many of which we have to regretfully reject either because, due to their subjects, they are of limited usefulness to working translators or because the number of grammatical and other errors, whether due to carelessness or lacking language skills, makes them too time-consuming to edit. The limited amount of time we have for editing also forces us to reject submissions not in compliance with our Editorial Guidelines. The most frequent errors of this type are the inclusion of graphics that do not properly convert into a web-compatible format, the use of text boxes, tabs, and spaces for aligning text.

Your editor has recently sold his company, Accurapid Translation Services, which means that our resources for editing non-English text, especially in languages using non-Latin scripts, have been further limited. Therefore, we no longer accept articles containing text using Arabic, Persian, Chinese, or Japanese scripts (Russian Cyrillic is OK). As previously, we continue to accept articles written in any of the major European languages: French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian. However, authors should keep in mind that articles in English have a larger readership. As a language lacking diacritic accents or special characters, English also ensures compatibility with virtually any browser and operating system.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our readers for their loyalty and encouragement for the past 15 years, our authors for their valuable contributions, and our advertisers for their financial support. Without them, the TJ could not exist.