Volume 5, No. 2
April 2001
Another Milestone by Gabe Bokor
n January 12, 2001, the 100,000th visitor had the front page of the Translation Journal come up on his or her computer screen. I don't know if this visitor lives in New York or New Delhi, is young or old, is a professional translator or just someone interested in languages and translation. I only wish to thank this unknown visitor, as well as the other 99,999 visitors that preceded him/her for making the Translation Journal the leader of on-line publications for translators.
As the number of readers of the Translation Journal continues to grow, so does the number of contributors. This book-sized issue brings you 14 feature articles by authors living in 9 different countries. The number of authors approaching the editor has now made it necessary to apply stricter criteria to the publication of the proposed contributions, which means that some of them have had to be refused. Reasons for refusal include lack of sufficient informational content and the use of languages other than the major European languages. Greater selectivity ultimately means higher quality and sharper focus on the topics of real interest to translators.
Despite the number of articles offered for publication, there are still topics that have not or have been insufficiently covered so far. I would like to have more articles on specific technical subjects, on legal and regulatory issues translators face in different countries, and different forms of partnerships entered into by translators. I would also like to publish discussions on controversial subjects such as free tests required by translation buyers (see A. Gerasimov's article in this issue).
It's the combined experience of translators from different parts of the world and different backgrounds that makes this publication uniquely valuable to its more than 100,000 readers! |