Volume 7, No. 3 
July 2003





From the Editor
Forty-Two Dog Years

Index 1997-2003

  Translator Profiles
When Bad News is Good News or Serendipity Strikes Again... and Again... and Again...
by Alex Schwartz

  The Profession
The Bottom Line
by Fire Ant & Worker Bee

Translators Around the World
German Children's and Teenagers' Slang
by Igor Maslennikov
ATA Certification In Bosnian, Croatian And Serbian
by Paula Gordon

  Medical Translation
SARS or ATP—a Misnomer in Mainland China
by Yichuan Sang, Ph.D.

  Translation Theory
La relevancia de la documentación en teoría literaria y literatura comparada para los estudios de traducción
by Dora Sales Salvador
Register Analysis as a Tool for Translation Quality Assessment
by Liu Zequan

Memory Training in Interpreting
by Weihe Zhong

Pedro Misner, 1939 - 2003
by D'Vonne Casadaban

  Translator Education
Translation: Back from Siberia
Alireza Bonyadi
Reflections of Prospective Language Teachers on Translation
Adnan Biçer, Ph.D.

  Book Review
The Hunt for Red October
Mark Hooker

  Translators' Tools
SDLX™ Translation Suite 2003
Dr. Thomas Waßmer
Translators’ Emporium

  Caught in the Web
Web Surfing for Fun and Profit
by Cathy Flick, Ph.D.
Translators’ On-Line Resources
by Gabe Bokor

Translators’ Events

Call for Papers and Editorial Policies
  Translation Journal


In Memoriam: Pedro Misner

1930 - 2003

By D'Vonne Casadaban


edro Misner's parents emigrated from Berlin, Germany to Mexico in 1933, with their three-year old son, for political reasons. Business obligations took the family to Cuba. Pedro's mother was a translator in five languages; his father did medical research. Growing up there, Pedro attended the same school as Fidel Castro.

Trained in the United States as a Sound Engineer, he returned to Cuba and headed the audio department of the Cuban television (one of the first commercials he produced starred Celia Cruz).

He filmed a documentary of the Revolution, and as a result was reintroduced to his former classmate. Impressed with the quality of the film, Castro informed him that he was to be his television and radio co-ordinator. Of course, he accepted, but the very next day applied for a visa to leave the country.

"My decision to leave had nothing to do with politics. What bothered me was I felt I had no choice in the decision. Castro said to me: You will begin work with me on January 1, and you will be working for the National Institute of Agrarian Reform.' I immediately made plans to emmigrate to San Juan, Puerto Rico."

For Pedro, the bicultural atmosphere of P.R. proved the right place to work and develop his career which spanned over 30 years in the international marketing field.

His decision to move to the United States was brought about by several events. The growing numbers of Hispanic people in the U.S. made him realize the potential of a new market. As demographics would show, the southeast would be the center of that growth.

Hispanic Ghosts was the name of the company that he originated in Puerto Rico. The company did ghostwriting for advertising materials—print and electronic—aimed at the Hispanic community in the U.S.

Once established in Forsyth County, Georgia, he continued to operate his international translation business and also did work for Atlanta-based CNN and Berlitz Translation Services. He was a volunteer translator for the Atlanta Olympics.

He also volunteered his services at local hospitals. "I have been a foreigner in so many places. I know how frightening it can be if you do not understand what is going on," he said.

"To translate or interpret is more than being a walking dictionary. You have to know the culture of the people involved to be able to express, not only what they may say, but what they mean. To volunteer my services as a professional translator is just a very small way I can repay the kindness and hospitality I owe the entire community which has offered me such a warm welcome."

Pedro passed away on May 9, 2003. He was a respected and beloved member not only of his community in Georgia, but also of the virtual translator communities of the Latin-American (FORLATIN) and Foreign Langauge (FLEFO) forums of CompuServe. He will be sorely missed.